
The Student Module forms the basis of the entire EduAdmin database. The program cannot be used without data in the Student Module. This module provides the key to the success of the integrated approach as it holds a wide range of information about the students. Student data entered here is shared by other modules. There is a wealth of data held and many reports can be printed. The module holds all student information, as well as care-giver contact details (address, telephone, email).


  • Forms the core of the integrated EduAdmin database, providing fields for all aspects of student-related data

  • Support for multiple address, telephone and email data to be entered for care-givers

  • Support for Association data

  • Student Photographs

  • Student Leadership Roles

  • Easy Mail Merge and Email Merge functionality

  • Quill word-processor for easy typing of letters to students or care-givers

  • SMS functionality to either an individual or a group (driven by the Query Wizard)